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                 Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA)               
   What it is: A legally binding contract between San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD), 
   San Diego Building & Construction Trades Council and Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters. 
   What it does: It establishes a standard for a contractor’s relationship with their workers by setting basic standards for 
   hiring, dispute resolution, payment of fringe benefits, and utilization of apprentices; among other things. These basic standards 
   come from the labor unions.
   The PSA is designed to ensure a sufficient supply of skilled craft workers and eliminate work disruptions on Propositions S, Z, and 
   Measure YY projects. 
   The Agreement contains sections describing the process for referral & hiring of journeyman workers and apprentices, for resolving 
   disputes, and for promoting local hiring – hiring of skilled craftspeople and apprentices living within SDUSD boundaries. 

   See the below documents, the PSA and addendums/side letters to the PSA, and Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.
collapse Document Types : _PSA Required Documents ‎(10)
00_PSA Attachment A_ Letter of Assent (rev 2021-04 for proj's prior to 12-01-22).docx
8/16/2024 8:16 AMCruz Maria
01 Sample-GC Pre-Job Form using PSA Application.docx
5/18/2023 12:14 PMCruz Maria
01_GC Pre-Job Conference Form (rev 2022-03 for proj's prior to 12-01-22).doc
11/15/2023 11:44 AMCruz Maria
02 Sample Sub or Tier Pre-Job Form using PSA Application.docx
5/18/2023 12:15 PMCruz Maria
02_Subcontractors Prejob Conference form (rev 2022-03 for proj's prior to 12-01-22).doc
11/15/2023 11:45 AMCruz Maria
03_Contractor Core Workforce Form (rev 2024-06).pdf
2/20/2025 4:29 PMCruz Maria
04_Signatory Contractors Workforce Form (rev 2024-06).pdf
2/20/2025 4:30 PMCruz Maria
05_Workforce Dispatch Request Form (rev 2024-06).pdf
2/20/2025 4:30 PMCruz Maria
PSA Doc Examples (proj prior to 12-01-22).pdf
1/16/2024 4:47 PMCruz Maria
SDUSD PSA Email Contact Info (rev 11-13-2024).pdf
11/21/2024 9:58 AMCruz Maria
collapse Document Types : Additional Documents ‎(8)
01_PSA Things You Should Know Handout (rev 06-2022).docx
8/16/2024 10:23 AMCruz Maria
8/16/2024 10:23 AMCruz Maria
03_FAQ_Prevailing Wage.docx
3/7/2025 11:02 AMCruz Maria
04_Process and Core Worker Registration Policy Guidelines_03-2022.pdf
3/7/2025 11:02 AMCruz Maria
05_Labor Compliance Bulletin - Applicable Prevailing Wages for LLB Projects - effective 9.4.2021.pdf
3/7/2025 11:02 AMCruz Maria
NEW Sm Bus Self-Cert Form (FINAL for web).pdf
3/10/2022 9:28 AMCruz Maria
Notated DIR_CPR_Form A 1-131.pdf
3/11/2022 9:29 AMCruz Maria
Where to go to review Plans-Specs.pdf
3/15/2023 2:30 PMCruz Maria
collapse Document Types : PSA Documentation & Info ‎(8)
_Fully Executed Signed PSA Agreement 7-28-09.pdf
11/15/2023 8:26 PMCruz Maria
Addendum_1_2009-07-28 (Fully Executed. Relating to Apprenticeship).pdf
3/6/2025 2:59 PMCruz Maria
Addendum_2_2011-12-13 (Fully Executed, Relating to Bond Funding).pdf
3/7/2025 10:54 AMCruz Maria
Addendum_3_2012-07-24 (Fully Executed. Relating to Term of PSA).pdf
3/7/2025 10:55 AMCruz Maria
Addendum_4_2019-01-08 (Fully Executed, Relating to including JOC).pdf
3/7/2025 10:57 AMCruz Maria
Side Letter_1_SDUSD PSA 2011-12-07 (Core to Union ratio).pdf
6/7/2022 9:26 AMCruz Maria
Side Letter_2_SDUSD PSA 2011-12-07 (Warranty Work Exclusion).pdf
6/7/2022 9:27 AMCruz Maria
Side Letter_3_SDUSD PSA 2011-12-07 (Wages-Benefits not to exceed PW).pdf
6/7/2022 9:27 AMCruz Maria